Friday, 6 July 2007

Genuine EasyQuit System Testimonials

Hi Pete,

I would like you to know that I quit smoking half way through reading your book and have not smoked since! It has been 1 month and I am so happy that I did it!! I never thought that I would be able to live without them but there is one thing I know for sure and that is that I will never pick up a cigarette again in my life thanks to your book!!

I feel so much better knowing that each day my lungs are clearing up and that I have less of a chance of having heart disease. Your book has definitely changed my life. I have tried to quit before on my own and it never worked. I am not sure exactly what in your book changed my thinking, but it worked and I am very grateful to you. You have saved my life!!!!

Thank you!!

Susan Ellston, Florida

Hi Pete.

You'll be glad to know I've been a non-smoker since sometime in February. I didn't even keep track of the day because cigarettes just don't mean anything to me anymore. I just stopped. Thanks.

Tricia Brunken, Massachusetts


I must thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been smoke-free for almost 3 months now. I don't even miss it. I was terrified to even try to quit but after reading your book - it was possible. And I never even cheated once!! Again, thankyou.

Donna Deck, Ontario, Canada

Well Pete,

I must say I entered into this thinking that it was just another bunch of BS to get rich!!! However, by the time I had reached the last chapter of your book, I no longer wanted another cigarette – thank you. I hope you do, if not already, get rich as I am in a much better place thanks to you.

Ron Collins, Florida

Pete Howells has written the EasyQuit System that will help any smoker quit tobacco. The EasyQuit System works by giving smokers the instructions they need to follow to achieve their ambition to quit rather than just telling them smoking is bad for them. Visit to find out more about his incredible process for quitting smoking that boasts 96% customer satisfaction.

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