Friday, 27 July 2007

EasyQuit System - Is It Just Another Failure Attempt?

I found this article about my book on the internet the other day. What a pleasant suprise!

With all the quitting smoking system scams flooding in the internet and outside the internet, it can be difficult to find an easy and truly way to really stop smoking. And so when I came across this new e-book by Peter Howells, I wasn’t expecting anything truly as I have been tried, scammed and disappointed so many times before.

But the EasyQuit System seemed to be more down to earth than most. So I promptly picked up a copy and figured that if nothing else, it would be a decent e-book that would give me the opportunity to finally quit smoking.

But from the opening pages of the EasyQuit System, I must admit I was taken a bit off guard with the exceptional method and overall of the system. The method was very well organized, easy to embrace and I found Peter writing style refreshing in a comparison of other e-books or methods I was trying before.

Learn more about it here

The EasyQuit System starts with explaining why I become a smoker and how I can overcome this bad habit. This is followed by a series of powerful truths about the psychology of smoking that work surprisingly well. The intention is not to frighten you, but to emphasize truths about the psychology of smoking and how to deal with them.

Before I bought EasyQuit System I have never thought it can be easy to stop smoking, I knew it is possible, but certainly not easy. I simply didn’t know how. But Peter shows how even a heavy smoker like myself can easily quit smoking.

There is also very detailed information of how not becoming a smoker again and without any needs of using substitutes. Later on in the e-book you also discover a very surprising, and important fact about the nicotine. Never before have I seen, read or experienced quit smoking method that goes into the level of details that EasyQuit System does.

Learn more about it here

Everything is clearly explained and demonstrated with examples. You will feel like the e-book is written especially for your need, stop smoking easily. Peter shows exactly how to stop smoking and how to remain a non smoker without any side affects.

One thing that is missing in EasyQuit System is the frighten tactics, but from my own experience you will not quit smoking if someone frightening you or you will never be a happy non smoker. The techniques in EasyQuit System are much more effective.

The EasyQuit System is also provides a full 60 days money back guarantee if you purchased the e-book and you are not satisfied, meaning you are not a happy non smoker. Therefore there is no risk buying this e-book and trying the method.

A command problem with a lot of other quitting smoking systems is that after experienced the method you will generally found yourself left on your own to figure out things. But this is certainly not the case with EasyQuit System. Peter offers exceptional e-mail support and for the few times I have had question he was responded very quickly.

Overall the EasyQuit System is exceptional method that has taught me how to quit smoking easily and becoming a happy non smoker.

Learn more about it here

Yours, Shuri
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